In the devastating aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan, Carranza LLP would like to express our concern and support for those of you whose friends or family that have been affected by the disaster.
Our firm has donated $5,000 to the relief effort. The Government of Canada has announced that it will be matching all donations made to Canadian charities for this effort up to December 8, 2013, so we are pleased that our donation will be doubled.
If you wish to contribute before the deadline, below are links to the online donation pages of several charities involved in the relief effort:
Kapisanan Centre
Doctors Without Borders
Canadian Red Cross
Humanitarian Coalition (CARE, Oxfam, Plan Canada & Save the Children)
Every donation counts. We hope you will take the time to join us in supporting those in need during this very difficult time.
Thank you for your generosity.
Juan Carranza