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We at Carranza are proud to serve and positively influence our vibrant community through our continuous involvement in organized activities, events and charities. We consider our community involvement indispensable to our growth and success as it not only strengthens our ties with community members, institutions and organizations, but also allows us to give back to a community that has long embraced our presence and has allowed us the privilege of serving it.

Carranza Strikers raise money for a great cause

by User Not Found | Nov 13, 2014

The Carranza Strikers participated in the Ontario Employment Education & Research Centre's Workers’ Bowl last weekend. We had a great time!

The event was a resounding success, raising over $73,000 for the Education & Leadership Fund for Workers in Precarious Employment. This fund supports collaborative projects with the Workers’ Action Centre to provide workers’ rights education and one-on-one support for workers in precarious employment, as well as support their development as community leaders.

Carranza employees raised over $2100 for the cause and the firm received an honourable mention at the Workers Bowl for our generous donation to Justicia for Migrant Workers.



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Toronto, Ontario
M3J 3K6, Canada


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